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Bereisheet Sport - Terms of Use
I agree to assume all risks incidental to participation in the sports related activities associated with any events associated with or branded as "Bereisheet Sports". I understand that Bereisheet, Inc. ("Bereisheet") is not organizing or responsible for any of the sporting activities but merely connecting participants and facility owners.
I hereby release Bereisheet from any and all liabilities, claims, actions, damages, costs, and/or expenses, arising from or in any way connected with my participation in all related activities conducted at and/or during, activities associated with Bereisheet Sports.
I hereby agree that Bereisheet, its owners, officers, and instructors, organizers, are not in any capacity personally responsible or liable for any injuries or damage resulting from my participation in any Bereisheet Sports programs. I fully understand and acknowledge that sports related activities are inherently dangerous activities.
Right to Photograph: By signing this agreement I hereby give my consent and approval to Bereisheet that they shall have the rights, without obtaining my further approval, to photograph, take motion pictures of, televise, or reproduce in any manner or through any media, images of myself. Bereisheet shall have the right to, display, use, sell or license any such pictures or other reproductions for any commercial purposes or otherwise without monetary compensation to myself.
I verify that I am at least 18 years of age, in good health and am fully capable of participating in any and all strenuous activities associated with Bereisheet Sports.