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Genesis Program Manager - Job Definition

The Bereishit organization is looking for an educator with a teaching certificate and experience in education (formal or informal) to lead the Bereishit After School program. The scope of the job is about 50%. Experience in managing an educational staff is desirable.

To apply, please email  With a resume.


The following is a detailed and complete job description:


• Development and upgrading of the school's educational program, while adapting the topics and materials to the children's age, including the Bnei Mitzvah program and other programs that will be agreed upon in the future.

• Placing children in classrooms while addressing parents' requests and Genesis needs.

• Writing goals and objectives for each age group.

• Conducting assessment tests for children in the middle and end of the year.

• Participation in team meetings to present the program to teachers and guide them.

• Organization and day-to-day management of Genesis materials, including backup and archive.

• Training and mentoring teachers, with an emphasis on new teachers

• Order textbooks and equipment at the beginning of the year and during the year as required.

• Tracking:

   o Adapting the topics and materials to the children's age.

   o Submission of lesson plans on time by the teachers, including equipment lists.

   o Submission of timely feedback by teachers.

   o Weekly communication of teachers with parents


Working with parents

• Providing an ongoing response to parents' questions, maintaining an open channel for dialogue with parents regarding the progress and needs of their children, and reporting to the Education Committee.

• Providing assistance and follow-up with exceptional problems related to children in the program

• Monthly communication with parents

• Organizing at least one parent meeting during the year

Working with teachers

• Interview of new teachers.

• Teacher evaluation and reporting to the Education Committee.

• Having an open channel with the teachers.

• Participation in monthly staff meetings.

• Monitoring of special cases with teachers.

• Coordination of events and holidays with the teachers and events committee

• Treatment of changing teachers when necessary.

During classes

• Attendance during all lessons

• Creating a positive atmosphere in the school.

• Tours for parents interested in joining.

• Assisting teachers if necessary in any unusual subject.

Coordination of the use of available rooms / halls and their maximum utilization.

• Availability for parenting issues.

• Receiving and releasing the children.

• Ensure law enforcement of the building where Genesis meetings are held and coordination with the building management

Equipment and logistics

• Ordering equipment according to the teachers' request and in accordance with the budget

• Maintaining an up-to-date list of equipment

• Accessibility of equipment for teachers.

Coordination with the board

• Attend relevant board meetings and by prior arrangement

• Learning the tools and rules that are used for communication with parents and their use

• Adherence to the education budget and coordination with the Education and Finance Committee regarding the budget utilization

• Assistance to the Registration Committee in the efforts to recruit and enroll children in Genesis programs, including holding an open day and / or meeting with parents

• Execution of a vision in Genesis

Bereisheet Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, or sex in the administration of its admission policies, staffing, education programs, or in any of its policies and operations.

Bereisheet Inc.

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